Love everyone, serve everyone, remember God.
— Neem Karoli Baba

The term “karma yoga” has many interpretations and definitions.  Here, I’ll offer mine.  Simply put, Karma Yoga is doing good wherever good can be done, without advancement of the self.  

Taking the higher path. 

Living as the most honorable example.  

This is the path of selfless service known as Karma Yoga.  

My Karma offering to the community at large is this:  If you are in the North Jersey area and have a group in need of the experience of peace that yoga can offer, please contact me.  I would be more than happy to explore with you the opportunity for me to come lead your group through a yoga class completely free of charge.  

Groups that may benefit:

- Special Needs Children’s groups

- Hospice and Cancer Support Groups

- Bereavement Groups

- Veteran’s Groups

- Groups dealing with the aftermath of any kind of trauma

- Senior Citizen’s Groups

- Elementary School Groups during the School Day

Feel free to email me at or simply fill out the form below.

Love and Light,  
